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Jivinci|Crypto Art Commentary 对加密艺术的评论

Sacrifice of IxChel. Jivinci

About the Artist


Jivinci is a self-taught digital media artist based in Amsterdam. He worked in the Dutch music industry, helping to manifest the official identities for fresh musicians as an art director. Dissatisfied with the commercial nature of his work and the industry itself, he decided to shift his focus to his personal art and education. After acquiring newfound freedom through the creation of his personal work, in August 2019 he would begin experimenting with NFTs. Taking inspiration from tech, politics, and retro imagery he illustrates dramatic artwork that bounces between colorful and monochromatic, as well as classic and contemporary styles. 

Jivinci 是来自荷兰阿姆斯特丹的一位自学成才的数字媒体艺术家。他在荷兰的时候曾经在音乐行业工作,以艺术总监的身份帮助新生代音乐家获得认可。但后来他逐渐不满足于这份工作的商业性质和行业本身,他决定将重点转移到个人艺术和教育上,通过创作获得了新的自由,他在2019 年 8 月开始涉猎 NFT艺术。从科技、政治和复古意象中汲取灵感,描绘了在彩色和单色以及经典和现代风格之间跳跃的戏剧性艺术品。

Activism, Society, Technology


No Peace Without Justice. Jivinci

While Jivinci’s artworks cover a seemingly broad list of themes, they are closely bound by society and the interest in blockchain technology. In No Peace Without Justice, Jivinci takes images from the works of Italian artist, Caravaggio and reimagines them within the context of police aggression against George Floyd, an incident that sparked outrage within the African American community and the world. Death, chaos, and brutality are all showcased with references to the aftermath that sparked a long-standing debate about the fight for racial equality. The artist alongside many others created NFT artworks surrounding these issues as a way to raise awareness and drive positive social change with regard to race and equality. Like many of the works created for this occasion, part of the proceeds was given to the #blacklivesmatter movement. 

Jivinci 的作品虽然涵盖了看似广泛的主题列表,但它们与社会和区块链技术的兴趣密切相关。在《没有正义就没有和平》中,Jivinci 从意大利艺术家 卡拉瓦乔(Caravaggio)的作品中获取灵感,在警察对乔治·弗洛伊德 (George Floyd) 进行攻击的新闻背景下对其进行了重新构想。这一事件在非裔美国人社区和全世界引发了愤怒。死亡、混乱和残暴都被展示出来,并因此引发关于争取种族平等斗争的长久辩论。这位艺术家与其他许多人一起围绕这些问题创作了 NFT 艺术作品,以此提高人们对种族和平等的认识并推动积极的社会变革。与其他很多为此事件创作的作品一样,部分收益捐给了#blacklivesmatter 运动。

Aside from the BLM movement, the artist also creates social commentary about the COVID-19 pandemic, media, and the political forces surrounding them in his works Dead’s Gambit, Hygienic Pandemic, and COVID-19.

除了 BLM 运动之外,这位艺术家还在他的作品 Dead’s Gambit、Hygienic Pandemic 和 COVID-19 中创作了关于新冠疫情、媒体和围绕它们的政治力量的社会评论。

Dead’s Gambit. Jivinci

Hygienic Pandemic. Jivinci

COVID-19. Jivinci

Exploration of the blockchain and technology are also heavily featured throughout the artist’s portfolio. In Jivinci’s Girl with The Ethering, he takes inspiration from Johannes Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring. It is the decentralized representation that questions “What if this Girl had the ability to escape her state and experience? Where would her conscious or unconscious take her?” 

对区块链和技术的探索也在艺术家的作品中占据重要位置。在Jivinci的《戴耳环的女孩》中,他从约翰内斯·维米尔 (Johannes Vermeer) 的《戴珍珠耳环的女孩》中汲取灵感。去中心化这种方式正代表了一种质疑,“如果这个女孩有能力逃离她的状态和经历怎么办?她的有意识或无意识会引领她去向何方?”

Blind Demon. Jivinci

In Blind Demon, Jinvinci emphasizes the struggles people face with regard to believing that bitcoin will provide global monetary freedom. The artist further expands his base of blockchain-inspired art by creating a fantasy-like universe focusing on subjects such as decentralization, trust, privacy, surveillance, and data through his works such as St. Etherean, Short the Banks, Ethexplorer as well as his collaboration piece with AlottaMoney, Saint Nakamoto.

在 Blind Demon 中,Jinvinci 强调了人们面临着比特币将提供全球货币自由的这一种挣扎。艺术家通过他的作品,如 St. Etherean、Short the Banks、Ethexplorer 以及他与AlottaMoney,还有Saint Nakamoto联合创作的作品,创造了一个像宇宙一样的幻想,进一步扩展了他的区块链艺术基础,专注于权力下放、信任、隐私、监视和数据等主题。

St. Etherean. Jivinci

Short the Banks. Jivinci

Ethexplorer. Jivinci

Mass Surveilance. Jivinci

Saint Nakamoto: Collaborating with NFT artist AlottaMoney

Saint Nakamoto:与 NFT 艺术家 AlottaMoney 合作

Saint Nakamoto. Jivinci x AlottaMoney

Since starting his NFT career, Jinvinci first interacted with AlottaMoney, an upcoming crypto artist whose works reference memes, sci-fi, and video games among others, in the comments section of an exhibition by Max Osiris held in Los Angeles. Unaware of the fact that AlottaMoney made digital art, he would be surprised to find out that one of his favorite artworks, Arnolfini Shrimp was actually made by AlottaMoney. Later he would reach out for collaboration using Twitter. Balancing the humor of AlottaMoney and Jinvinci’s darker and gritty style, the pair created Saint Nakamoto based on the speculated creator of Blockchain technology, the foundation behind NFTs. 

他的 NFT 职业生涯开启之后,Jinvinci 首次与AlottaMoney 进行了互动,AlottaMoney 是一位即将横空出世的加密艺术家,他的作品融合了meme、科幻和电子游戏等。Jinvinci在Max Osiris于洛杉矶举办的展览的评论里第一次接触他。在他不知道 AlottaMoney 其实是位数字艺术家之前,他就惊讶地发现他最喜欢的艺术品之一“Arnolfini Shrimp”实际上就是由 AlottaMoney 创作的。后来他在Twitter 上寻求两人合作的机会。AlottaMoney 的幽默和Jinvinci 黑暗和更粗粝的风格平衡在一起,两人根据区块链技术的推测创造者(NFT 背后的基础,也就是中本聪)创建了 Saint Nakamoto。

Arnolfini. AlottaMoney

Saint Nakamoto directly references the imagery of Italian painter Caravaggio’s Saint Jerome Writing, an oil painting which depicts Saint Jerome, a doctor of the church in Roman Catholicism translating the Vulgate, a Latin version of the Bible. Likewise, Saint Nakamoto shows Dorian Nakamoto in a similar setting with a modern twist. Hailed as a symbol for decentralized cryptocurrency and blockchain, Nakamoto is shown creating something on the computer while munching on a fiat currency sandwich, a play on the possibility of the democratized bitcoin overtaking the government regulated fiat currency. The humorous fantasy of the artwork is also reflected in its description:

Saint Nakamoto 直接引用了意大利画家卡拉瓦乔的 Saint Jerome Writing 的意象,这是一幅油画,描绘了罗马天主教教会的医生 Saint Jerome,他翻译了拉丁文版的圣经。同样,Saint Nakamoto 在类似的环境中展示了 Dorian Nakamoto,带有一种现代的风格。被誉为去中心化加密货币和区块链的象征,中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)一边咀嚼法定货币三明治,一边在计算机上创造一些东西,这是对将比特币民主化,带来超越政府监管法定货币的可能性的一种艺术发挥。作品的幽默幻想也体现在它的描述中:

St. Nakamoto is one of the most famous of the Bitcoin martyrs, condemned to secure the network and eat fiat sandwiches. His feast day has been celebrated since August 2008.

St. Nakamoto 是最著名的比特币殉道者之一,注定要保护网络并吃法币三明治。自 2008 年 8 月以来,人们一直在庆祝他的节日。

– Jivinci x AlottaMoney. Saint Nakamoto, SuperRare

On future of NFT market

关于 NFT 市场的未来

Saint Andreas. Jivinci

When questioned about the future of the NFT market Jivinci had a positive outlook with an emphasis on the need for education for stakeholders as well as a need for more established artists to join. Furthermore, Jivinci describes the current state of crypto art into two parts: art on the blockchain and art that will mature and evolve. Taking these elements he hopes that the crypto art can grow into a movement and community that is well educated in the creation, selling, and collection of NFTs in the future inside the digital organism that is blockchain.

当被问及 NFT 市场的未来时,Jivinci 持积极态度,他强调需要对持币者进行教育,以及需要更多知名艺术家加入。此外,Jivinci 将加密艺术的当前状态描述为两个部分:区块链上的艺术和即将成熟和发展的艺术。考虑到这些元素,他希望加密艺术能够成长为一种运动和社区,未来在区块链数字有机体中创造,买卖,收藏NFT作品的时候可以更成熟。

“I think we need to get a lot of more established artists to convince them to tokenize their artwork and authenticate their artwork on the blockchain. We need to educate people on how this could help them with their business or as an artist. So, I think education is one of the important things that we should look at.”


– Jivinci

For more info on the artist, please click here


Translation 翻译 Rona Xia


本篇文章来源于微信公众号: SHMADNESS


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