Niki Passath is an Austrian robotics artist engaged in his work with the sculptural conditions of robots and the idea of artificial intelligence. His artistic creations search for answers to the mystery of life, the people, their emotions, social behavior, their behavior compared to machines and to the surrounding nature.
Niki Passath是一位奥地利机器人艺术家,他用机器模型和人工智能的概念来实践自己的艺术创作。他在创作中试图找寻关于生命的奥秘,人类和他们的情感,社交行为,并将人类的行为与机器对周围环境的反应来做比较。
A few weeks ago Niki Passath opened his show, “Robotic Conditions” at the JITU Creative space in 798 Art District, Beijing. He demonstrated creative works through his mechanical inventions and also invoked curiosity among the audience. In an attempt to better understand how one enters this career path and the thinking behind his creations, Madness reached out for an interview. Let’s take a look below:
几周前,Niki Passath在北京798艺术区的吉图创意空间举办了他的个展“机械化状态”。他在个展中展示了他的机械创作艺术,同时也激发了在场观众的好奇。为了更好地理解艺术家是如何选择创作媒介,以及他的创作背后的思想,Madness邀请这位艺术家和我们进行了一次对话。

Live performance by Niki Passath at JITU Creative Space Beijing
1. How did you get started on these robotics art projects?
When I was 5 years old, I started to learn to play the violoncello and continued to study classical music at the university in Graz. After finishing school I studied architecture and finished my studies in media arts and digital arts. During these times I had already created machines, robots, and tools with which I created my art. My first art piece was the robotic tattoo performance “Kurt“.
Robotic Tattoo performance “Kurt” by Niki Passath
Later I realized that this might have to do with my musical background: Using the music instrument creates the music and a very strong and intimate interaction with a machine leads to the art.
I was always interested in many different things and having the possibility to study in an academic context was very important for me. Nevertheless, every method and skill I use in my art practice, I learned in an autodidactic way.
2. What is the purpose of these artistic robots?
“My projects always start with a question. “
I am mainly interested in humans, human behavior, social systems, communication and motion as language. By understanding a machine I created I start to understand a lot about myself and humanity in general. For example, if you create a machine which can walk around in nature, you will realize what amazing unconscious skills we have that we can navigate easily through almost every kind of surrounding.
“ZOE” by Niki Passath, an attempt to represent human and interpersonal relationships with machinery
I always create a new robot for new performance or exhibition. It is very important for me to make everything by myself and also to use a restricted set of materials. Cheap and easily available.
I often traveled around the world and always wanted to be able to create my art pieces wherever I am. This was on one hand, a restriction but on the other, gave me the possibility to act as an artist ubiquitously.
At the end of the day, machines have the purpose of supporting me to find answers. By using them, together, we become symbiotic elements which create together the art pieces.
3. You mentioned that Volker (seen above) was made with the intention of playing with and stimulating emotion. Do you think that this emotion could be more of an illusion that the viewer experiences?
In this context, I like to talk about interpreted emotions. For sure the machines don’t bear emotions but they can create emotions.
There doesn’t seem to be an interest in the form of the machine, only in its function. Before the industrial revolution there were “artists” like Jaques Vauconson who created an animatronic duck or Jaquet Droz, who as a clockmaker created an android who was capable of writing any kind of text, actually some see this as one of the first computers, or Wolfgang von Kempelen who created a machine which could speak and created the famous chess player automaton.
人们普遍对机器的形式没有兴趣,只是在它的功能上。在工业革命之前,有像Jaques Vauconson 这样的艺术家,他创造了一个电动鸭子和钟表匠Jaquet Droz,以及一个能够书写任何文本的机器人,实际上有些人把它看成是最早的计算机之一。又或者是Wolfgang von Kempelen发明的可以说话并创造出著名象棋玩家的自动机。
The backside of a Jaquet Droz automaton
Some of these inventors went into industrial developments creating machines to produce products for masses, others, went into illusionism, like Von Kempelen’s famous chess player which in fact was not an automaton, but more like a person hidden within the machine.
Generally, the creators of the automatons seem to have had more interest in philosophical questions… what does writing mean? does the ability to write a letter with your own hand, mastering languages in a way, make us human? Isn’t it the possibility to speak or the ability to think in such a complex way which makes us humans?
In a way my robots create illusions, but the intention is to start with these illusions a thinking process which stimulates subjective insights about oneself.
Painting Traces by Niki Passath
4. Why do you find painting with hands different from painting with electronic traces?
My robots always act in a partially unpredictable way. So they are programmed to act autonomously. I have programmed the algorithms so I understand the principle. Same as if I look at a pianoforte, I can understand how this instrument works, but I still am not able to play it. This requires practice.
Rip In The Multiverse, 2015 240 × 120 cm Acrylic and watercolor on paper, Niki Passath
By using my robots I always want to archive something. With each performance, I learn more about my own instrument so we become a more combined body and create together. Sometimes I have to react to its behavior, but as I can predict what the machine will do, I can learn to use it in my personal way. Somebody else using one of my machines would create a different output.
For me, the learning aspect is very interesting. During performances, I learn to use the robotic painting instrument and during this learning process, the relationship between me and the machine evolves.
“I like to have emotional relationships with my robots.”
5. As an artist, did you have any projects you wanted to do but could not?
I have a lot of ideas and also a lot of projects in my mind of which some are quite utopian. As my projects grow evolutionary and are not planned in advance (only the question is defined), I generally don’t have “projects I want to realize“.
Sometimes there is the need for much learning before being able to start the artistic process. It took ten years for me to act intuitively with the materiality of electronics, sensors, and motors. After learning these skills new ideas come up, like how now very interested in artificial intelligence.
6. Lastly, do you have any future projects coming up?
Actually, I am learning the first steps into artificial intelligence. I know this will take a long time. During this time, I will think more about the human body as a machine.
If I can program little machines to have a certain behavior, why should it not be possible to program myself to act after a certain pre-defined algorithm? Going back to the comparison with classical music: Not all musicians need a technical instrument like a piano or a violin or a flute, there still are vocalists which use their own body as an instrument, the voice.
Edited by Stephanie & Poppy
Photos provided by Niki Passath and JITU Creative Space
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