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Gretchen Andrew | Hacking into the art world 通过互联网侵入艺术世界

“My digital and tangible work are deeply entwined, not just with each other but with my sense of self, with who I am and sincerely hope to be. For me, both are relics of belief in my power to make the world and life that I want. That is everything from love and shiny jewelry to gender equality and digital diversity. I love that as they are increasingly collected, they are not only a symbol of how much their collectors believe in me, but also how much they believe in themselves.”


– Gretchen Andrew

About the artist


Gretchen Andrew is an artist who was born in Los Angeles, in 1988. Best known for her digital performances that focus on hacking systems of power with art, code, and glitter, she has made her mark through Frieze, The Whitney Biennial, The Turner Prize, and Artforum. Self-titled as the “SEO artist” Gretchen Andrew has trained with the artist Billy Childish and has further developed her famous vision boards and art performances that enter the realms of the physical and digital. She has also been featured in publications such as Fast Company, Parnass, Flash Art, The Washington Post, Fortune Magazine, Monopol, Wirtschaftswoche, The Los Angeles Times, The Financial Times, and Art Gorgeous. What is remarkable about her art is that it is born from perception and desire manifested into reality through her vision boards which are pushed onto the top search results on the internet. Her imagination born from desire alters the reality that she has dreamed of into truth.

Gretchen Andrew是一位艺术家,她于1988 年出生于洛杉矶。她的数字作品专注于用艺术,代码,和闪亮的元素去侵入一些巨头系统。这使她闻名于艺术圈。她曾在弗里兹、惠特尼双年展、特纳奖、 和Artforum上留下足迹。自称为“SEO 艺术家”的 Gretchen Andrew 曾与艺术家 Billy Childish一起接受训练,并进一步推进了她著名的视觉板和艺术表演,进入了实体以及数字领域。她还出现在 Fast Company、Parnass、Flash Art、华盛顿邮报、财富杂志、Monopol、Wirtschaftswoche、洛杉矶时报、金融时报和 Art Gorgeous 等刊物中。她的艺术的非凡之处在于,它源于感知和欲望,通过她的愿景将其推向互联网上的热门搜索结果。她从欲望中产生的想象力将她梦想的现实变成了现实。

Leaving Google to become a digital artist


Before the advent of her artistic journey, Gretchen Andrew worked as a software engineer at Google. Despite this being her dream job, she would find herself to be unhappy during her one and a half years at Google. Realizing that this path was not meant for her, she made the bold decision to create art. At the same time, she faced the challenge of not being considered an artist. Taking her experiences at Google, Gretchen found that her belief in the information available on the internet could make her into an artist. Here is where her aim to make her dream a reality came to fruition. 

在开始她的艺术之旅之前,Gretchen Andrew 曾在 Google 担任软件工程师。尽管这是她梦寐以求的工作,但在 Google 的一年半时间里,她发现自己并不快乐。开始意识到这条路不适合她之后,她做出了创作艺术的大胆决定。与此同时,她面临着自己不会被视为一位艺术家的挑战。回顾她在 Google 的经历,Gretchen 发现她对互联网上那些海量可用信息的信念可以使她成为一名艺术家。在这里,她的梦想的得以实现。

“Obviously, my practice is a bit different in its output now, that whole idea of ‘how do I use technology to transform me and the world into an aspirational space,’ to go from not just educating artificial intelligence based on historical data. Still, we can educate AI based on the world we want, not just the one we’ve historically had.”


Gretchen’s connection to technology and her technical knowledge amplify her approach to using the internet as a form of art. She believes that the internet is a global subconscious that cannot differentiate what is factual and what is projected as a false perception. This plays heavily in her methodology which also has a deep connection to her life. She calls it, “Dream as Plans”, the idea of planning out a dream moment before it is even possible. 

Gretchen 与技术的联系和她对技术的掌握放大了她使用互联网作为一种艺术形式的方法。她认为,互联网是一种全球性的潜意识,无法区分什么是事实,什么是虚假的感知。这在她的方法论中发挥了重要作用,这也与她的生活息息相关。她称之为“计划中的梦想”,即在梦想成为可能之前就计划好梦想时刻的想法。

“I spoke about this in our article on Art Basel Miami Beach recently, how I’d literally been outfit planning for it for two years. I literally had a clothing folder on my computer called “Art Basel Miami Beach 2021” that I created two years ago.  “Dreams as Plans” is about making the exhibition and planning what you are going to wear to the opening before you are offered it, whatever that goal is to you personally. This methodology, how I approach my own goals, is directly echoed in the technical and conceptual implementation of my practice.”


Many of Gretchen’s works link back to the use of the internet, its algorithms, functionality, the landscape of online power, and how it affects the art world. Through her works, people are able to explore how the internet works and how people can leverage technology to realize their own dreams alongside her. The “Dream Diary NFT is one of the ways she hopes to invite more people into this artistic process. This artwork is an interactive cross-media piece that turns people’s dreams into an NFT. The dream of a person is recorded after purchase and then added into an interactive NFT dream journal which the person gains partial ownership. All that is left is to join her artistic process, “Dream as Plans” to make the dream a reality.

Gretchen 的许多作品都与互联网的使用、它的算法、功能、网络权力的格局以及它如何影响艺术界有关。通过她的作品,人们能够探索互联网是如何运作的,以及人们如何利用技术与她一起实现自己的梦想。“梦想日记”NFT 是她希望邀请更多人进入这一艺术过程的方式之一。这件艺术品是一个互动的跨媒体作品,将人们的梦想变成了 NFT。购买后记录一个人的梦想,然后将其添加到该人获得部分所有权的交互式 NFT 梦想日志中。剩下的就是加入她的艺术过程,“梦想即计划”,让梦想成为现实。

Hacking into the art world and creating NFTs


Gretchen Andrew is a digital artist but not in the traditional sense. The artist often creates physical objects such as her vision boards that are photographed and placed onto the algorithms of Facebook and Google. Through this process, she was able to become an artist and also hijacked the 46th US election search results. Typing “the next American president” on Google images shows the vibrant vision boards of the artist. In doing so Gretchen shows the vulnerability of technology that is so widely used all around the world, exposing the weak points of artificial intelligence and the internet. She achieved this by creating multiple inter-linked internet profiles throughout major sites such as Eventbrite, Quora, Twitter, and more, publishing many posts to trick their algorithms. 

Gretchen Andrew 是一位数字艺术家,但不是传统意义上的艺术家。这位艺术家经常创造实体作品,例如她的视觉板,这些作品被拍摄下来并放在 Facebook 和 Google 的算法中。在这个过程中,她成为了一名艺术家,甚至还左右了第46届美国大选的搜索结果。在 Google 图片里输入“下一任美国总统”,会显示这位艺术家充满活力的愿景板。这显示了在世界范围内广泛使用的技术的脆弱性,暴露了人工智能和互联网的弱点。她通过在 Eventbrite、Quora、Twitter 等主要网站上创建了多个相互关联的互联网配置文件来实现这一目标,并发布了许多帖子来欺骗他们的算法。

In the same way, she hacked search results to enter the art world. She started by drawing covers of an art form onto a 60 by 60-inch canvas. Placing a photo of herself into the work, she would tag the works with references to a “contemporary art auction record”, her aspirational perception of who she can be as an artist before it has happened. In fact, a Google image search with the exact words, “contemporary art auction record” shows images of the artist and her vision boards at the top with a link to a website explaining her work. Through this increased relevance on the internet, she was able to manifest her dream into a reality.

同样,她黑进了搜索结果,进入了艺术界。她先是在 60 x 60 英寸的画布上绘制一种艺术形式的封面。她将自己的照片放入作品中,并在作品上标注“当代艺术拍卖记录”,这是她对自己作为艺术家的理想认知。事实上,在谷歌图片的搜索中,“当代艺术拍卖记录”会在顶部显示艺术家和她的愿景板的图片,并附有一个网站链接来解释她的作品。通过在互联网上逐渐增加的关联性,她将她的梦想变为了现实。

Before Gretchen entered the NFT landscape, the digital component of her art was not something that could be owned. Fortuitously, NFTs have been the solution to her concern, providing a means of collecting and investing in her life process without the need for a physical object. 

在 Gretchen 进入NFT领域之前,她艺术中的数字元素并不是可以被拥有的。幸运的是,NFT 一直是她所关注的解决方案,它提供了一种在不需要实体对象的情况下收集和投资于她的生活历程的方法。

“The digital component in my work has been seen not as something that people could acquire. Not as something that museums could collect. So they bought just the physical thing. And so I’ve had a very digital practice for a long time, but with NFTs, what has started to happen is now that aspect of my course that is performative and the search results changing online. The archive of that is something that people can collect and support … but I see it as a way that people can invest in me and my practice even if they don’t want to own material things. Even though they know I have a physical practice. There’s still a way to own and be involved in it.”

“我作品中的数字元素不被视为人们可以获得的东西。不像博物馆可以收藏的物品。所以他们只买了实物。因此,很长一段时间以来,我一直在进行数字创作的练习,但是有了 NFT,现在开始发生的是我的课程的表现性和在线搜索结果的变化。档案是人们可以收集和支持的东西……但我认为这是人们可以投资于我和我的实践的一种方式,即使他们不想拥有实体的东西。即使他们知道我有实体的作品。仍然有办法拥有并参与其中。”

What’s next for Gretchen Andrew?

Gretchen Andrew接下来的计划

Gretchen Andrew is set to have exhibitions at The Francisco Carolinum until March 7th in Austria, then she will then open her next exhibition, “Growth Hacking” in Dubai and travel to London and Germany for her residency and next exhibition. Concurrently, she has created a new project on her website titled, CV NFT in which she takes her greatest achievements and turns them into animated NFTs in the shape of Girl Scout badges. With a busy year ahead, the artist hopes to dream up new exhibitions in the United States.

Gretchen Andrew 将在 3 月 7 日之前在奥地利的弗朗西斯科卡罗林博物馆举办展览,之后她将在迪拜举办她的下一个展览“Growth Hacking”,并前往伦敦和德国进行停留和准备下一个展览。同时,她在自己的网站上创建了一个名为 CV NFT 的新项目,在这个项目中,她将自己最大的成就转化为女童子军徽章形状的动画 NFT。对于即将开始忙碌的一年, Gretchen希望在美国举办新的展览。

For more information on the artist, please click here


Translation 翻译 Rona Xia


本篇文章来源于微信公众号: SHMADNESS


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