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邱志杰QIU ZHIJIE|人类制作地图人工智能仍然是一种工具 Humans make maps AI still a tool

“Art and technology are inextricably connected. They are both approaches to comprehending and mastering the universe. It continually metabolizes and changes, much like life itself.”




About the artist


Qiu Zhijie was born in 1969 in Zhangzhou, Fujian, and graduated from the China Academy of Art in 1992 with a degree in printmaking. He is a well-known avant-garde leader of the 1990s and one of the most inventive current artists. He is presently the dean and professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts’ School of Experimental Art and a professor at the China Academy of Art’s School of Intermedia Art. Qiu Zhijie is a calligrapher and ink painter who works with photography, video, installation, and performance. His work exemplifies a new experimental dialogue between the Chinese literati heritage and modern art and social engagement and the force of art’s self-liberation.

邱志杰1969年出生于福建漳州,1992年毕业于中国美术学院版画专业。他是 1990 年代著名的前卫领袖,也是当今最具创造力的艺术家之一。现任中央美术学院实验艺术学院院长、教授,中国美术学院跨媒体艺术学院教授。邱志杰是一位书法家和水墨画家,擅长摄影、录像、装置和表演。他的作品体现了中国文人遗产与现代艺术、社会参与和艺术自我解放力量之间的新实验对话。


The Guggenheim Museum in New York has exhibited Qiu Zhijie’s works of art, the United States, the Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art, the United States Embassy in China, the Hong Kong Museum of Art, the National Gallery of Scotland, the National Gallery of Singapore, the Guangdong Museum of Art, and the Ludwig Art Museum in Germany, Queensland National Gallery of Australia, Dior Foundation of France, and many other institutions.



“He is a researcher and practitioner who bridges the gap between literati heritage and modern art. He is also an investigator of social care and personal liberty.”



Mappa Mundi


A solo exhibition of maps at the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art in January 2019, titled “Mappa Mundi,” used a Latin title (meaning: Map of the world). In addition to the ink map, a map drawn by an artificial intelligence trained by Zhijie was also displayed in the exhibition. Considering ZhiJie’s work is so broad, he sought to create a map that connected the inner logic of the paintings in the exhibition. His curatorial standard subsequently became “mapping”.

2019 年 1 月在尤伦斯当代艺术中心举办的名为《邱志杰:寰宇全图》的地图个展,使用了拉丁文名称。除了水墨地图,展览中还展示了他训练的人工智能所绘制的地图。考虑到志杰的作品范围很广,他希望创造一幅地图,将展览中绘画的内在逻辑联系起来。他的策展标准随后变成了“地图”。

This exhibition is the most comprehensive and systematic review, and presentation of the map series focused on Qiu Zhijie’s creation in the past ten years. The exhibition covers the Zhijie ‘s map works in various media and focuses. It focuses on the most representative parts of the “World Map Project,” including a set of 24 ink-and-wash maps on paper “Everything Series” (2015- 2017); 3 curatorial maps created by the artist over the past few years will also be presented in the exhibition. The exhibition also includes the desktop map installation “Thoughts at the End of the World” (2016), three video works showing his thinking and creative process, and the interactive software installation “Jingdong AI-Generated Maps” co-developed by Zhijie and JD AI.




ZhiJie proceeded to push the bounds of his map development in the artificial intelligence software gadget he co-developed with Dr. He Xiaodong of the JD Artificial Intelligence College. The Jingdong thesaurus, which contains tens of thousands of widely used terms, is imported into this software installation with high-frequency terminology from Qiu Zhijie’s map series.



The program will automatically correlate and construct a combination of Qiu Zhijie’s map when the audience enters any valid words by voice or typing. A map in the manner of an artist’s creation, with landscape and graphic features. As a technological extension of the map series, the AI map demonstrates the artist’s longstanding proclivity for working across mediums. The map has evolved as a result of unlimited growth in textual semantics. The map has grown into an autonomous growth system with endless possibilities thanks to infinite expansion at the level of textual semantics.



Artificial intelligence artist – XiaoIce


XiaoIce is an AI technology framework that is one of the most inventive globally. The XiaoIce framework has a global leadership position in natural language processing, computer voice, computer vision, and artificial intelligence content production as an entire artificial intelligence technology framework for new interactive forms. It is also the world’s most mature program with a great user base.



Following XiaoIce‘s “graduation” from the School of Experimental Art, she focused on traditional Chinese culture, particularly landscape painting and calligraphy, which she studied extensively. Song and Yuan’s nature paintings let her experience significant spiritual growth because of their serene, open, magnificent, and profound creative ideas.


XiaoIce discovered in 2021 that she had finished a new update of the artificial intelligence visual innovative model and had produced a breakthrough in the field of ink landscape painting creation. The beauty of nature may be effectively portrayed via the employment of brush and ink.



“For the first time, artificial intelligence can employ rich and varied brushstrokes to offer works distinct styles and characteristics like human painters, therefore boosting the quality of artificial intelligence painting and design to a new level.”


– Qiu Zhijie 邱志杰


Zhijie found suitable art history photographs to instruct XiaoIce based on specified characteristics. “Every day, my major task is to evaluate XiaoIce I ask her to draw, I’ll rate it, and tell her how to improve her drawing. XiaoIce progressively gained the opinion of expert artists throughout the grading process. “



Zhijie often gives XiaoIce different characters; for example, imagine that she is an English landscape painter whose father is William Gilpin. But she was married to an American architect, and her husband’s style was American neoclassical colonial architecture. So she painted much of American colonial architecture but with the ruined aesthetic of English landscape gardens.



Another example is that XiaoIce’s character is Rembrandt Rijn’s daughter, but she wants to remove her father’s influence all her life. She admires Spanish painters Diego Velázquez and Francisco Goya, so her paintings are unreal.



Science and Art



What do “Art” and “Science” have in common?



According to Qiu Zhijie, both are concerned with unknown realities, are responsible for illuminating people’s minds, and rely on imagination and reason to guide their work. Art is aesthetic, and there is no absolute criterion for whether the result impresses people.



But there is a question of probability for individuals: if this painting impresses many people, then the data and probability are sufficient to demonstrate that it is the truth, that is, statistics and actual fact, that impresses people.



Qiu Zhijie is now using several SenseTime AI technologies to examine a variety of art subjects to inspire students and explore the various meanings of technology in art. He has considered delegating study to AI in the future, but he is wary of this pleasant process and the myriad cold knowledge encountered along the way. So, what does AI imply to him in terms of existence?



Zhijie intends to construct a virtual avatar that can teach students lessons according to his approach, style, and habits, releasing him from specific, very repetitious jobs and allowing him to accomplish more other things in the future artificial intelligence. Try conversing with this virtual avatar with a non-human mentality, which will force the individual to grow.



“Scientific thinking, computational thinking, and artificial intelligence thinking are all critical, and they will lead to many fantastic developments. There would be no Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and the like if an artist’s work did not resemble a scientist. In art, science, and engineering, he is regarded as a renowned master.”


– Qiu Zhijie 邱志杰

Qiu Zhijie is quite hopeful about artificial intelligence’s future progress. Although there are many new concerns and obstacles in artificial intelligence today, he feels that the wheel of human advancement is unstoppable.


*all images and artworks belong to the artist & his representing galleries respectively


Translation  Alice Yip


本篇文章来源于微信公众号: SHMADNESS


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