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维克多 FEWOCiOUS丨18岁的跨性别天才艺术家 The Talented 18 year-old Trans Artist

FEWOCiOUS (real name: Victor Langlois), an 18-year-old transgender NFT artist, is an absolute rising star in the art world. His highly personal works chronicle his difficult upbringing between the ages of 14 and 18, with surrealist paintings that seem to stream directly from his subconscious. The distorted cartoon graphics and hyper-saturated colors create an ambivalent feeling of loneliness and vitality.


18岁的跨性别NFT画家FEWOCiOUS(真名 Victor Langlois)绝对称得上是艺术界的一颗新星,他的作品非常个人化,记录了他14-18岁艰难的成长路程,这些超现实主义的画作仿佛是从他的潜意识中直接涌出。扭曲的卡通图形和饱和度超高的色彩,给人以一种矛盾的感觉——孤独与活力并存。

Artist 艺术家 FEWOCiOUS


In a sign of FEWOCiOUS’s popularity, Christie’s website crashed at 10 a.m. on June 23, 2021, when the auction house was about to put FEWOCiOUS’s NFT painting up for sale online. Too many buyers came to bid that Christie’s website was unable to handle the traffic. The auction had to be rescheduled for two days later.




Indeed, FEWOCiOUS made a lot of money from his NFT digital paintings. Prices for his surrealist painting have risen from the $2 works he painted for online clients when he was 10 years old to the $25,000 sale of his most recent NFT work, “Moment I Fell in Love”. Today, his work has been sold for more than $2.1 million at Christie’s, earning him $370,000 on his 18th birthday alone.


的确,FEWOCiOUS因为画画赚了很多钱。从他10岁时为网上不知名的客户画2美元一幅的头像画,到最近他的NFT作品“我坠入爱河的时刻Moment i Fell in Love”以 25,000 美元的价格售出,他的超现实主义的NFT作品价格节节攀升。今天,他的作品已经在佳士得拍出了超过210万美元,仅在他18岁生日当天就赚了37万美元。

FEWOCiOUS (b. 2003), Year 1, Age 14 — It Hurts To Hide, 2021. Single-channel video (non-fungible token). 00:00:32 seconds (1710 x 1294 pixels). Estimate: undefined. Offered in Hello, i’m Victor (FEWOCiOUS) and This Is My Life on 25-30 June 2021 at Christie’s Online

FEWOCiOUS (b. 2003), Year 2, Age 15 — My Mama’s Dream, 2021. Single-channel video (non-fungible token). 00:00:35 seconds (1710 x 1294 pixels). Estimate: undefined. Offered in Hello, i’m Victor (FEWOCiOUS) and This Is My Life on 25-30 June 2021 at Christie’s Online

FEWOCiOUS (b. 2003), Year 3, Age 16 — When A Child Feels Lost, 2021. Single-channel video (non-fungible token). 00:00:31 seconds (1710 x 1294 pixels). Estimate: undefined. Offered in Hello, i’m Victor (FEWOCiOUS) and This Is My Life on 25-30 June 2021 at Christie’s Online

FEWOCiOUS (b. 2003), Year 5, Age 18 — I Taught Myself How To Fly, 2021. Single-channel video (non-fungible token). 00:00:23 seconds (1710 x 1294 pixels). Estimate: undefined. Offered in Hello, i’m Victor (FEWOCiOUS) and This Is My Life on 25-30 June 2021 at Christie’s Online

But FEWOCiOUS’s encounters and talent were definitely worth his earnings. He had experienced a terrible childhood. His father abused him as a child, and he was hit hard by his parents’ divorce and custody battles. He lived with different families through social services and eventually chose to live with his grandparents.




Although escaping from his birth family brought some changes to his life, his new environment still made it difficult for him to fit in. His elderly grandparents did not use electronic devices such as mobile phones or computers and did not allow him to go outside school hours, which made his weekends unusually long and boring. So he started painting and showed an amazing talent for doing that, leading him to pursue a path in art.



“ I couldn’t stop crying so I decided to draw my feelings. It distracted me and calmed me down. I don’t want to die. I just wish I was heard. The only place I’m allowed to cry is my art.” FEWOCiOUS said.”





In many cases, artists really do need to be lonely, which is painful but also fills people with a desire to express themselves. Today, FEWOCiOUS has already made a name for himself, and, at 18, he has already made a lot of money through NFT digital paintings, opening the door to limitless opportunities.



For more information on the artist, please click here 



本篇文章来源于微信公众号: SHMADNESS


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