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叶甫纳 Ye Funa|角色扮演:新当代艺术 Role Play: New Contemporary art

In philosophy, how people understand identity is a significant topic. How do we identify the true behavior of a person as genuine or specific to the person’s identity? Does that define who we identify as or is it a process of development over time? For the artist, Ye Funa, it is a much more complex creative outlet that makes us ponder about a person’s self-defining characteristics. Ye Funa dissects our multifaceted realities of social, political, and digital realms using role-playing as a new medium for contemporary fine art.


About the artist


Ye Funa is a Chinese artist that explores the relationship between the realities of everyday life, the perceived connection between authority and many areas of social life such as different power structures, ethnic groups, and the fictional space of propaganda for the concept of ‘perfection’ in an ideological system, and utopian landscape. Her works have heavy use of references, parodies, and ironic portrayals of cultures. Having graduated from the Central Saint Martins College of Art, UK with a Master’s in Fine art in 2010, she has exhibited in China, the USA, the UK, Istanbul, Switzerland, and Australia. Satire and propaganda are significant aspects of her works that highlight the uniqueness of her works. In 2014, she was awarded 2nd place for the Hua Yu Youth Award, and the Recommend young artist of Today Art Museum in 2015.


Tracing Identity through role play


The concept of self is something Ye Funa reflects onto her works. In her short video series “Family Album” she explores the historical elements of her connection to family using moving photography. Acting as her parents and grandparents, she recreates photography into a performance that includes lip-syncs and staged photos that she places herself into. The series is like a personal historical documentary that sees the life of her predecessors and the historical background to her foundations and birth. It is the intimate exploration of what defines own her identity and assimilation of her self experienced by realizing the complex narratives of her family’s background.


“Since Family Album, role play has turned into a creative method that I now employ in my works. At the same time, I gradually shifted my perspective in creating, from an observer who often investigates to an experiencer who participates in different incidents.’


The self is formed by nature and nurture, where the influences surrounding us move us away from one path into the other. Ye Funa dives deeper into identity through the influence of her idols and muses. In her “Goddess” series, she ponders the reasons for how and why certain individuals have influenced her from the perspective of the art world.


“…each female in the art world is known for one idiosyncratic side or characteristic, yet all individuals have many complex sides. This led me to wonder about and imagine the unknown side of them, and what it would be like if these characters from different times and spaces could come together. This kind of fascination drew me to create the Goddess series.”


There are countless ways one can construct an identity and the artist covers diverse subject matters including the illusions of perceived beauty, the deceptive state of digital identity, and obscured identities based on social, political, and psychological elements. From the context of her work, it can be seen that the sources for her creation create a deeper connection between the past and present as well as between the digital and offline realms. She uses the internet as a database to create new re-enactments with different technologies such as social media and live-streaming to build new experiences while also evolving her own identity.


Filtered identities of internet culture


For Ye Funa, social media, live-streaming, and the internet are all important things that affect her artistic style. Having grown up with these digital phenomenons, her art playfully reflects society from her perspective. In “Beauty Plus Save the Real World” (2018), she manipulates the hysterical nature of the internet to describe how people use such technologies to “perform” identity. The work focuses on the use of facial image editing software, Meitu Xiuxiu, and other commoditized social media platforms that have caused the oversharing and manipulation of identity as part of desire. Consequently, manufacturing the need for likes, the use of beauty filters, and altering our perceptions of beauty, leading to the disillusionment of reality.

对叶甫纳来说,社交媒体、流媒体直播和互联网都是影响她艺术风格的重要因素。随着这些数字化的发展,她的艺术从她的角度生动地反映了社会。在《Beauty Plus Save the Real World》(2018)中,她利用互联网歇斯底里的本质来描述人们如何使用这些技术来“预制”身份。这项工作的重点是面部图像编辑软件“美图秀秀”和其他商品化社交媒体平台的使用,这些平台导致了过度分享和身份操纵,这些都是欲望的一部分。由此制造了对点赞的需求,和大量美颜滤镜的使用,这些改变我们对美的感知,导致对现实幻灭。

Through this work, Ye Funa also shows the obscure nature of our personal desires. The desire to use a virtual construct of who we think we are, and the irony of inner conflict that makes us question these desires. Here, perceived identity defines who we are, while in reality, the ability to be one’s self becomes undermined and unsheltered. 


For more information on the artist, please click here


Translation 翻译 Rona Xia


本篇文章来源于微信公众号: SHMADNESS


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