Vincent van Gogh, The Potato Eaters, (F 82), 1885, Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam (Vincent van Gogh Foundation)

Location of the house of The Potato Eaters, circa 1950, photo
Many people know the painting “The Potato Eaters”, but are unaware of the existence of the monument, “House of the Potato Eaters”. Thus we curated this Van Gogh 39 collection to share the story behind the life and work of Vincent with Van Gogh lovers.
The peasant family portrayed in “The Potato Eaters” is the De Groot-van Rooij family. They lived here in Gerwenseweg 4. Vincent van Gogh sat with them in the sparsely lit room, drawing his way toward the lines that could capture the rugged and simple life in the clay of their faces. In this room, Vincent diligently tried to find his singular way to express the frugality and soberness of these people and their life. He spent hours with the De Groot-van Rooij family, sketching this moment.
“The Potato Eaters” is undoubtedly his most ambitious painting from this period. He made numerous studies, sketched hundreds of peasant farmer portraits, and refined the painting multiple times.
This place had been mentioned in Van Gogh’s letter during 1883-1885 and the painting is now exhibited in the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, The heritage site is located in Gerwenseweg 4, 5674 SG Nuenen, in Brabant, the Netherlands.

Vincent van Gogh, The Potato Eaters, (F 82), 1885, Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam (Vincent van Gogh Foundation)

- Numbered digital artwork collectible, animated 3D artwork (Limited Edition)
- Physical Signed Certificate from the Foundation of the Digital Artwork
- Physical Numbered Collector's Box (Triptych style)
Includes:3-1. Authentic Numbered Silver coated leaf (3D Printed in the Netherlands)3-2. Handcrafted Poplar Wooden Box, selected trees only from Vincent Van Gogh’s homeland in the Netherlands3-3. Van Gogh’s Sketch printed on the Cover of the Collectors’ Box3-4. Limited Edition ArtBook – Atlas Van Gogh3-5. One Van Gogh Sites Foundation Shareholder Certificate signed by Foundation Director, eligibility to join the annual foundation event on 30th March 2024.4. 7-inch Digital Easel (Digital Display)
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