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Yang Yongliang 杨泳梁|为了保护传统 For the Preservation of Tradition

“Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival” by Zhang Zeduan 


Known as one of China’s most renowned artworks from ancient history, “Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival”, portrays a highly complex look into Chinese culture. This panoramic painting by Zhang Zeduan accurately depicts the minute details of China during the Northern Song Dynasty. As an artwork, it carries significant value not only to the perseverance of Chinese art but also to China’s culture. Such aspects of traditional Chinese painting, among others, became the motivation for Yang Yongliang’s majestic landscape scroll paintings.


“In the future, we’ll only be able to see traditional Chinese art and calligraphy in museums because the structure of our current living conditions and changing cityscape won’t allow this art form to survive. So I’ve always been wondering how to show Chinese art in a new way”


– Yang Yongliang 杨泳梁

Moonlight Series 《月光》系列

Yang Yongliang uses mixed media such as painting, video, photo manipulation, and animation to create colossal landscapes that lure viewers’ interest. While his work employs a mix of both traditional and contemporary art styles, his work is neither outdated nor too novel to be misunderstood. In the world of imported holidays, flashy delights, and rapid urbanization, Yang finds that much of what has been the Chinese identity has changed and is slowly being forgotten. By focusing on the foundational values of traditional Chinese art, he hopes to preserve a vital part of his nation’s cultural assets and bring it to light in an era where western media and art remain dominant.


About the Artist


Shanghainese artist, Yang Yongliang was engaged in calligraphy and traditional art since childhood. He later graduated from China Academy of Art in Shanghai in 2003, painting in a more classic contemporary style until he rekindled his interest in the ancient Chinese art style. Yang exploits a connection between traditional art and the contemporary, implementing ancient oriental aesthetics and literati beliefs with modern language and digital techniques. He currently lives and works between New York and Shanghai.


“Journey to the Dark II“ 《夜游记》. MGM Cotai, Macau.

Yang’s latest video installation, Journey to the Dark II, was recently unveiled at the MGM Cotai in Macau. Spanning an ultra-wide 70 meters in length, and projected onto screens, the work is layered with images and videos where his work is brought to life. It also uses pre-recorded manipulated sounds of the environment and a 6 channel sound system so viewers can truly immerse into the dystopian world of the artwork itself.

杨的最新影像装置《夜游记II》最近在澳门的MMG Cotai剧院揭幕。作品长度超过70米,并投影到屏幕上,由于层叠了画面和影像,使他的作品栩栩如生。作品使用预先录制的环境操作音和6声道的音响系统,使观众可以真正沉浸在艺术品本身的反乌托邦世界中。

“Phantom Landscape” series 《蜃市山水叁》系列

At first sight, Yang Yongliang’s artworks show magnificent Chinese landscapes filled with mountains, clouds, and water. The washed brushstrokes and the lack of vibrant colors invoke a serene yet gloomy sensation. However, for more attentive viewers, a closer look beckons. Composed of buildings and modern-day objects engulfed in the form of nature. Telephone poles are the trees, high-rise apartments become the mountains and rocks, while scaffolding and cranes cluster the tightly-packed structures. 


Through his work, Yang highlights the rapidly changing face of China and the sacrifices made to gain convenience: A loss of culture, individuality, identity, and nature. It is a contrast between the past and now, industrial and natural, as well as traditional and modern. At the same time, Yang also explores the state of declining humanity: A fragile being that through development drives its own demise– a self-fulfilling prophecy.


“Heavenly Cities” series《天空之城》系列

While Yang does admit that he would not have allowed for technological intervention if he had majored in Traditional Chinese painting, he believes that the art form will find a more meaningful place in society when transformed. The techniques that Yang uses to create his works are as traditional as they are modern. He takes videos and images mostly in Shanghai, where changes are rapid, and digitally layers them into the format of a Chinese scroll painting using its traditional practices, blending and manipulating them to complete an artwork.


Artificial Wonderland II: Taigu Descendants

Yang often uses traditional techniques such as Shanshui, Gongbi, and Shuimo to create his works, these aspects add depth and narrative, empowering his works. For those who do not know, Shanshui in the contemporary sense plays counter to the techniques of painting. Instead of focusing on reality, colors, or lighting, it places more value on mental imagery. It is not for the viewer’s eyes but rather their minds. Gongbi emphasizes detail. Details so minute that they can be easily missed like the buildings in Yang’s mountainous landscape paintings. Lastly, Shuimo refers to shading and tone by controlling the density of ink with water or a grinding stone. It is what defines the aesthetic of ancient East-Asian art. Yang mimics this aesthetic digitally.


“Shanshui requires a lot of patience, a lot of repetition. Everyone who practices calligraphy knows that if you manually prepare the ink yourself, you need to spend half an hour before actually tracing a stroke on paper. It’s the same here, the mechanical side of taking thousands and thousands of pictures and post-processing them is like a meditation practice which is hard to endure for a lot of people.”


– Yang Yongliang 杨泳梁

“Peach Blossom Society” series《桃源纪》系列

While Yang continues his journey to preserve and reinvent Chinese art for a digitally active audience, he can’t help but feel some sorrow for that which has already changed or been lost throughout his upbringing in Shanghai. Because the more he looks towards the future, the more he appreciates about the past.


For More information on the artist please click here


Translation 翻译 Rona Xia


本篇文章来源于微信公众号: SHMADNESS


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